Caregivers Empowered in Tanzania

SPOON’s distance learning program enters exciting phase

Our partners at The Small Things Tanzania (TST) have continued to develop new skills to nourish the children in their care. In August, SPOON Nutrition Scientist, Zeina Makhoul along with Program Officer, Lauren Hughey conducted virtual trainings on the use of the HemoCue diagnostic tool used to test for hemoglobin levels and iron deficiency anemia. This critical first step in the health assessment of a child identifies conditions that can lead directly to life-lasting cognitive and physical damage.

Caregivers Matron, Charles and Ema are seen here on a Zoom call with Zeina, Lauren and Dr. Peter from TST. Zeina instructs and supports the team as Matron practices the use of the HemoCue (supplied by SPOON and our supporters).

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting with trainees practicing testing for anemia

SPOON’s training, our distance learning platform, and our digital health app Count Me In empower caregivers to develop feeding and nutrition plans that address the individual needs of each child. This hands-on training took place after the TST staff had taken three courses: About Iron Deficiency Anemia, Measuring Hemoglobin, and Assessing Anemia with Count Me In.

Zeina walked the TST staff through the procedure, equipment, and supplies. The TST team took that training and has continued to train on each other.

In less than a year since we began working with The Small Things Tanzania, the team is ready to assess the children in their program and enter that data into Count Me In for evaluation and care planning for each child. More to come…

Boy in Tanzania smiling and holding a mug