SPOON believes that all people have a right to live their lives free from sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH).

SPOON owes a duty of care to its employees and all individuals we serve, and a responsibility to ensure that such persons are treated with dignity and respect. We recognize that there are unequal power dynamics across any organization and in relation to those we serve, and that we face an inherent risk of some individuals exploiting their positions of power for personal gain.

Anyone can raise a concern or make a complaint to SPOON about something they have experienced or witnessed that may be classified as Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment. To make an anonymous complaint, anyone may use this reporting link. Those who report suspected abuse or supervisors who are informed of suspected abuse should refrain from contacting the suspected person to investigate the matter independently or demanding restitution.

SPOON acknowledges the support of the InterAction From Pledge to Action Working Group on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment, as well as its Small Group Sub-Committee, in particular members Trickle Up and WEEMA whose PSEA polices we adapted.